I have always believed that everything we need to be happy and healthy has been given to us by Mother Nature, and it is up to us to learn how and when to use her gifts. 

I combine my background in public health  with my training in functional and integrative medicine to deliver completely personalized nutrition, lifestyle and health recommendations using a food first approach. 

I’m not a regular dietitian, I’m a cool dietitian.

Hi! I'm Jen.

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Wellness Isn’t Just About Nutrition and Exercise

Wellness is the intersection of the mind and body

How we nourish our mind matters just as much how we nourish our body. 
This is why when I work with you, I insist we focus on all aspects of health: food & nutrition, movement, mindset, sleep, stress resilience and more. 
Real wellness goes into it all!

Let's work together

The digestive, hormonal and weight issues I work with my clients on are often a result of the chronically stressful lives we live. We are trying to DO IT ALL and the constant pressure wreaks havoc on our body.

I give you the map - but YOU are in the driver’s seat.

I work with you to help identify the ROOT CAUSE of your symptoms

so that together we can create a plan that combines a food-first approach, personalized supplement regimen (if needed), and specific lifestyle recommendations to truly help your body heal from the inside out. No two clients of mine are alike, and neither are the plans I create for my clients.

I am all about helping you understand the big picture of your health.


Break up with your restrictive diets.

Get to the root cause of your digestive and other health issues.

Learn how to utilize foods & plants to have healthy hormones, better gut health and less inflammation so you can finally feel symptom-free. 

Gain the tools you need to feel confident during your healing process while understanding that this is not an overnight fix-- true healing takes time! And I hold your hand the whole way.


The Renegade Gut Fix


This package is meant to find the root cause of your symptoms and help you heal from the inside out. I use functional lab testing to help identify what is causing your symptoms and use nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations tailored to your unique needs to develop a comprehensive plan. We meet monthly and chat in between appointments for added support. Functional laboratory tests not included.

schedule a discovery call

"No more bloat"

No more bloat or super smelly gas. I feel better in my clothes and my stomach is flatter. Slowly starting to lose weight when I couldn’t at all before. Mostly learning from my body and what feels good.

"No more migraines!!"

NO MORE MIGRAINES!!! No weird skin things! Anxiety and depression so much lower! And 15 lbs lighter as a perk too!

"I learned valuable insights"

I’ve learned valuable insights about my body as well as bad habits with effective ways to improve them.

"Couldn't have done this on my own!"

I had no idea where to start. You really nailed down what I should do and eat and how it relates to ME and my life. Couldn’t have done this on my own!

"No more diarrhea!"

NO MORE DIARRHEA. I was having it almost daily before for years and felt horrible but now I’ve been having solid formed bowel movements and feel great. THANK U.

"I wake up feeling SO much better"

I wake up feeling SO much better and ready to get out of bed rather than dreading it.

"I can't believe the difference"

My skin has finally cleared up. I felt like I tried every skin care product possible but nothing worked. I can’t believe the difference in 4 months!

"I lost 15lbs"

I lost 15 lbs without even looking at a nutrition label! Or counting calories or doing keto (all of which I’ve done before).

"You have the perfect hands on and off balance"

You have a perfect hands on and off balance so I can learn how to eat this way on my own.

"I couldn't have done it..."

I never could have done the MRT testing and diet without support.

"I have more energy than I did before and feel AMAZING"

I’ve got my period back after years of irregular periods and 8 months of not having it, after only 4 months of working with you! And no PMS symptoms whatsoever. I have so much more energy than I did before and feel AMAZING!

"Thanks for taking a different approach"

Thanks for taking a different approach and helping me understand my hormones and how to optimize them for weight loss and my fertility.